Springfield Worship
The weekly All-age Worship Service in Springfield Primary School forms an important part of the different diets of worship offered at St Michael’s; some forty years after it was first established, initially as an outreach to the large new housing development at the east end of the town.
With the exception of Communion Sundays and joint services at Harvest, Advent, Mothering Sunday, Pentecost and short breaks at Christmas and Easter, the service runs throughout the school year from the end of August until the beginning of June. The service is held in the School Hall at Springfield at 10.00am and lasts approximately 45 minutes.
All are welcome! In particular, young children are welcome and included without their parents worrying about them being a distraction to others.
With easier parking, no hill to climb and no steps to negotiate, the service may be suitable for those who perhaps find the Kirk Wynd a challenge, not to mention those who just like the informality of the format.
The less formal service is led by a minister on several Sundays throughout the year. A member from a team of trained elders leads otherwise. Music is provided by a rota of pianists supplemented on special occasions by the Family Band or music@stmikes.
The service is followed by teas, coffees and juice, with the all-important biscuits and occasionally cakes, in the Community Wing of the school. This opportunity for fellowship is an important part of the Springfield Worship Experience.
Come along and join us – you will be made very welcome!