Latest News

Occasionally at St Michael’s - in the Kirk

Founded in 1998 by Kevin Duggan (Director of Music at Dunblane Cathedral), the group comprise singers from Great Britain, Denmark, Germany and Latvia. The choir meets in a different country each summer, meeting for a couple of intense rehearsals before giving public performances. Their programme shall include music by Grieg, Nystedt, Kverno, Vierne, Haydn and others. Accompanying on the organ is Matthew Beetschen (Master of the Music at Dunfermline Abbey).

Admission free, any donations go toward upkeep of the organ.

West Lothian Foodbank Collection - Sunday 6th October 11am - 1pm

On Harvest Sunday – 6th October – the West Lothian Foodbank would once again appreciate your support in the shape of donations both physical and financial. 

These items are particularly needed at present: 

Tinned meat (ham or corned beef)

Tinned macaroni or spaghetti

Cleaning spray

Stock cubes

Tea bags 

UHT Milk

Washing-up liquid

The team will be at the Kirk Hall from 11am-1pm on the 6th to receive these and other essentials, plus financial donations (which can be gift aided). You are also welcome to leave items in the Cross House foyer beforehand if that time doesn’t suit.

Proposed Union

On 1 September 2024, the congregations of Avonbridge, Linlithgow: St Michael’s, Linlithgow: St. Ninian’s Craigmailen and Torphichen each met to discuss and vote on the draft Basis of Union as well as the Basis of Team Ministry.

The result is available here.

Book Sale 28th September 10am - 12.30pm

Book Sale 28th September in Cross House 10am - 12.30pm

 In aid of A House for the Town

Large selection of books, CDs, DVDs ,jigsaws, games and a few surprises. 

Take away as many items as you like in exchange for a donation. 

Donations can be made by cash or card. 

Meg Wallace Prints

Limited edition giclee prints of Meg Wallace’s beautiful Crown of Thorns artwork are now available - a fantastic memento of the church spire as restored to gleaming gold. Available for £100 framed or £50 unframed from the West End Gallery at The Cross (cash only) or at the church shop after each morning service (cash or card). Or contact the fundraising team on for further information. All proceeds go to the Project 600 fundraising campaign to eliminate all water-related problems in the church building.


St Michael's would like to keep in touch from time to time with newsletters and updates but only in ways that work for you.
To subscribe to our Newsletter please click here.


August 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

Orders of Service

There are no Orders of Service available at present.

Weekly Intimations

Knowing Christ Better

Contemporary Evening Service in Kirk Hall

The informal and contemporary Evening Service resumes at 6.30pm on 8th September. It is for anyone - churchgoers or not - who want to find hope, peace and purpose in life. All welcome

Friday Housegroup restarts 23rd August 2024

The Friday Housegroup meets at 10am .

For further information please contact Barbara Thomson (845705).



The Help Centre

Offers information covering many concerns.  Wondering where to access support for yourself or another?  Tel 842646, or look at

Making Him Known to Others

Springfield Service restarts 8th September 2024

We meet every Sunday in Springfield School at 10.00 am

Everyone Welcome !

Positive Pathways - Bereavement Support

This free and confidential support group for the bereaved is facilitated by trained bereavement support listeners and meets on alternate Thursdays, beginning on 14th Sept in The Adam Room, Cross House from 6.30 pm to 8 pm.

You will be warmly welcomed over a cup of tea or coffee and it is not necessary to have a church connection.

For further information call or text Sheila Rae on 07719966273 or email


 Every Thursday   

If you are at home with your wee ones why not come along instead of sitting in on your own.  If you're a Mum, Dad, Granny, Grandpa or babysitter just pop along to the Kirk hall for 10 am. A really warm welcome awaits with songs,crafts, a wee prayer, lots of fun and tea and coffee too. No church connection needed at all. Hope to see you there. No cost.   Please contact the office for further info, Tel: 842188.

Latest Magazine

The latest edition of  Crosswind Magazine is now available to download from the Crosswind page.

Knitting Group

Meets first Monday of every month in Room 1, Cross House, 10.30am for knitting and chat.  All welcome.


CDs-Church Service

If you would like to borrow a recording of previous services, you will find CDs at the Church shop. A recording of the sermon is available weekly via podcast here.

Serving Him Together

Faith Impact Forum

Click here for a look at the latest newsletter from the Faith Impact Forum.

If you would like to subscribe to this then click here.


Crossreach News is available here.  More information about Crossreach itself is available on their website.


Time of Stillness

Due to the work on the Spire, this will take place at 2pm in The Adam Room until further notice.

Discover what 15 minutes of stillness can do for you.  All welcome.

General Notices

Annual Report and Accounts

Our Annual Report and Accounts for 2023 have been approved by Kirk Session and by Presbytery. 

Full details of our registration with OSCR , the Scottish Charity Regulator, can be found here


St Michael’s Stained Glass Windows

Ever wondered about the stained glass windows in St Michael's ?

"The Power of The Spirit" is a 15 min journey through the windows of the Church exploring the colour and purpose of God's creation.

The video is showing in the Sanctuary as part of our Open Church. It is also available to view here 

Open Church Volunteers

Are you interested in history?
Proud of Linlithgow and its heritage?
St Michael's is recruiting new volunteers for Open Church, which keeps the church open for locals and visitors alike throughout the week.
Get in touch at if you could give an hour or two now and then

Thursday for Coffee

If you fancy a cuppa and some company, come to Cross House. Tea, coffee and baking for only £1.

Every Thursday at 10am in Room 1.

For further info contact Jill Allatt on 840680

Maintenance of our buildings

With a view to fast tracking maintenance and repair issues to all church properties, an email address, has been set up which will allow elders and members of the congregation to alert the Property Team of any issues requiring attention. A member of the team will monitor this email address from their personal laptop and pass the information to the appropriate team member for action. 

To advise of a repair or maintenance issue, click on the email address and provide the following basic information to action an investigation or repair.

Which building is the issue in?

Where in the building is the problem?

Brief description of the problem.

Reported by and date the issue was discovered.

A reply response will be generated confirming that we are in receipt of the email, which is receiving the attention of the Property Team.



Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in the UK on 25 May 2018. It replaces the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and protections with regard to how their personal data is used by organisations. 

St.Michael's have adopted the following :

Data Protection Policy

Data Retention Policy

Privacy Notice