Boys’ Brigade


The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness. (The object of the Boys’ Brigade worldwide!)

Basic Info

Founded 1979
Location: Cross House, Linlithgow, EH49 7AL.

We have four sections:

Anchors (Primary 1 - 3) – Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:30pm (We will accept boys from 4 years old)
Juniors (Primary 4 – Primary 6) – Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:45pm
Company (Primary 7 – Secondary 3) and Seniors (Secondary 4 – Secondary 6) – Thursdays 8.00 – 9:30pm.


Anchor Boys is for Boys in Primary 1 to 3. We meet every week for a fun-packed night of games, crafts, stories, activities and much more. The Boys might learn how to care for their teeth or learn sign language from a qualified interpreter. We’re mainly based in our Church Hall, but we’ve recently introduced an annual visit to a local farm, which the Boys (and parents!) love. Boys love the variety of what’s on offer every week and thrive on the Christian-based programme.
Come along and try for a few weeks: parents – you’re welcome to stay and see how your Boy gets on!

We have a simple uniform – Anchor Boy red jumper and school trousers/shoes.

Enrolment for the year is £54 for the first Boy in a family and £44 for others

Junior Section is for Boys in Primary 4 – 6. Every week we give Boys an action-packed evening, with boys enjoying physical games, life skills, science, crafts, baking, and lots more. Boys’ activities help them work towards badges, which they love to earn each year. In Juniors, there’s also an opportunity to take part in competitions with other Boys’ Brigade groups from West Lothian, such as figure marching and spiritual. At Junior Section, we help Boys start to think about the meaning of the Bible stories we have activities on each week, and how the lessons from these can make an impact on how they live and work with other people. We encourage Sunday School or Church attendance and provide opportunities for the Boys to come to our Church. We have regular trips to places such as Megazone, Glasgow Science Centre, a swimming pool and even a police station, spending time in a prison cell!

Come along and try for a few weeks. Our uniform consists of blue Boys’ Brigade sweatshirt, badge armband, school grey/black trousers and formal black shoes. 
Enrolment for the year is £54 for the first Boy in a family and £44 for others.


Company Section is for Boys in Primary 7 to Secondary 3 and meets alongside our Seniors. Our scheduled programme includes physical activities (e.g. basketball, extreme dodgeball and handball), life skills and badge activities (e.g. first aid, marching and cooking) and some social time in tuck shop, as well as our opening devotions and inspection – a time to think about what Boys’ Brigade and Christianity are about.

Throughout a typical year, we’ll get involved in local and national competitions, such as football, table tennis and badminton. We have several residential opportunities, including a weekend away at Carronvale House, Boys’ Brigade Scotland’s National Training Centre, meeting Boys from across West Lothian

Come along for a few weeks to see how you like it, and to get an idea of what your friends do. Uniform is a blue Boys’ Brigade shirt and tie, badge armbands, school grey/black trousers and formal black shoes. 
Enrolment for the year is £54 for the first Boy in a family and £44 for others.


Seniors is for young men in Secondary 4 to Secondary 6. They meet alongside our Company Section. On Thursdays, we start off alongside the Primary 7 – Secondary 3 boys, for whom Seniors are given responsibility for leading and setting an example to. Seniors have a lot of say in planning their own programme and the leaders plan things accordingly.
Your activities will count towards gaining awards, such as the President’s Badge and the King's Badge, the highest award in Boys’ Brigade.
Boys get involved in the life and work of our Church, which could be serving Communion, welcoming people at the door of Church, or giving a Bible reading. Boys also get involved in our local community, which could be helping at West Lothian Foodbank or volunteering in a charity shop. We leave time for fun, with regular trips to places such as go karting or laser quest.
Uniform is a blue Boys’ Brigade shirt and tie, badge armbands, school grey/black trousers and formal black shoes. 
Enrolment for the year is £54 for the first Boy in a family and £44 for others.


Get in touch

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